Extensive knowledge
that is waiting for you


We are convinced that only actors with a wide range of artistic skills can maximise their well-paid career opportunities. In short, the more you can do, the better your chances of sustaining yourself in a professional acting career.

That is why a diversity of methods is our guiding principle. This diversity begins with basic physical training in yoga, rhythm and dance/choreography and leads to the learning of all current acting methods according to Grotowski, Stanislawski, Meisner, Stella Adler, Michael Chekov and Kristin Linklater voice training technique.


Because we cooperate with various television productions, you will be given the opportunity to work as an extra or a bit player during your student training, for example in the series "Rote Rosen". These opportunities and the close cooperation with the production management will help you overcome any shyness in front of the camera.

We also work in close cooperation with the Hamburger Kammerspiele, the Altonaer Theater, the Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landestheater and the Lüneburger Theater, where you will be given the opportunity to perform stage roles during your training.

Good for you to know already: The three-year training is divided into six semesters, with approximately 25 hours per week. It begins in September of each year. Classes take place alternately in groups, small groups and individual work. Until the middle of the 5th semester, all the students work according to the same curriculum. Afterwards the students can choose between a degree in stage or screen acting. It is also possible to choose both degrees.


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